Janelle can be contacted via email or, if urgent, on 0413 252 560.

To book Janelle for your mediation, contact Nicole Elliott, Mediation Manager:

Phone:    0466 613 358

Rooms:    13/102 Burnett Street, Buderim, Qld 4556

Post:        PO Box 872, Buderim, Qld 4556

Email:      admin@clarkmediation.com.au

Web:        www.clarkmediation.com.au


Clark & Associates was included in the 2023 listing of leading mediators (Doyles Guide).  Janelle’s Mediation Manager at Clark Mediation offers an online calendar so that you can check availability or make your own booking for your mediation or enquiry.  Janelle may be available for additional dates.

If you would prefer to speak with Nicole Elliott, Mediation Manager, please contact her on: 0466 613 358

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Mediate Australia is a clerking service that provides a single point of contact to identify the right mediator for the client’s needs based on experience, expertise and cost.  The nationally accredited mediators on Mediate Australia’s list are sole practitioners and do not receive a referral fee.  The highly experienced mediators on the List of Mediators can be contacted directly or via Mediate Australia’s clerk, as preferred.

Direct access briefing:
Janelle can be briefed by solicitors in relation to all matters or by corporations in relation to meditations only. If you are a member of the general public, the Find a Solicitor function on the Queensland Law Society Website (www.qls.com.au) enables you to search online for solicitors and law firms in Queensland. Please then have your solicitor contact Janelle.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.