Commercial Barrister and Mediator on the Sunshine selected as an expert assessor for this year’s International Bar Association VIAC-CDRC Vienna Mediation and Negotiation Competition – in Vienna!

Janelle Payne is a commercial Barrister and Mediator on the Sunshine selected as an assessor for this year’s International Bar Association VIAC-CDRC Vienna Mediation and Negotiation Competition - in Vienna! Janelle also conducts mediations in Brisbane and Sydney and via Teams/Zooms. Janelle is a member of Mediate Australia.

By |May 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Commercial Barrister and Mediator on the Sunshine selected as an expert assessor for this year’s International Bar Association VIAC-CDRC Vienna Mediation and Negotiation Competition – in Vienna!

A State of Origin battle of a different kind: Jurisdictional Issues in Arbitration (a Queensland and Victorian example)

ARBITRATION – Application for adjournment of application to enforce arbitral award pending resolution of applications in the court of the “arbitral seat” (Supreme Court of Queensland) – Commercial Arbitration Act 2011 (Vic), ss 35 and 36 – Commercial Arbitration Act 2013 (Qld), ss 16(9), (11) and 34.

By |June 4th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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